
Dr. Petr Špelda


Petr Špelda received his PhD. at the Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University. He is a lecturer at the Department of Security Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University. He submitted his dissertation titled Pictorial Possible Worlds proposing a synthesis of philosophical devices of the analytic tradition with computational approaches to cognition. His current research concentrates on various aspects of the human-machine nexus including philosophical debates regarding the contemporary developments in the field of representation learning and thus of the Artificial Intelligence in general. His empirical facing research comprised of developing computational methods that would contribute towards better understanding of the online political extremism. In this regard, he specialized in topics concerning the visual propaganda of the Islamic State and of the broader Sunni jihadist milieu. He presented his work at several conferences including ECPR Graduate Student Conference, ISA Annual Convention, and the Vox-Pol Mid-Project Conference.